by Matilda Iem
Positioned beside the greenery of the upper campus walkway, across from the University Bookstore, is the Shakarian Student Success Center. Renamed in 2020 after a notable donation from the dedicated Lois Vinton Shakarian, the building seeks to provide students of “The Beach” with all the resources they could need to foster success on this vast campus. In sight of this goal, the building houses a variety of programs and facilities for CSULB students. The following text will briefly look at the resources offered on each of the building’s three floors.

SSSC: First Floor
The entrance to the Success Center itself is further along the side of the building, past the BMAC and OURS entrances. From tables and benches outdoors to student lounges with outlets indoors, this area features many places to sit down and have a breather or do schoolwork. The lower level student lounge is depicted here. If getting to the University Library or Honors Lounge would require a trek and a half from wherever you are, the space around and within the Success Center can be a great cozy alternative along the way!
Resources and programs available on the first floor include (organized alphabetically):
Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC) [SSSC Room 110; (562) 785-5401] - The one stop shop for all accessibility-related needs for any student with disabilities and/or need for accommodations. They specialize in offering assistive technology, mobility and parking assistance, and individualized support with case managers and programs such as their Learning Independence For Empowerment (LIFE) peer coaching project for students with autism.
Office of Undergraduate Research Services (OURS) [SSSC Room 120; (562) 985-7754] - This resource houses and supports the Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP) and other research opportunities. UROP recruits freshmen and sophomores to a 1-2 year long research project program.
The Learning Center (TLC) [SSSC Room 160; (562) 985-5350] - CSULB’s central hub for general academic support or tutoring, as well as career opportunities. Committed to empowering students, they actively work with other advising and university departments to coach students. If your work and school habits need some tender loving care, visit TLC!
University Center for Undergraduate Advising (UCUA) [SSSC Room 140] - The primary advising center for students in the undeclared major as well as those seeking assistance for redemption from an academic warning or disqualification.

SSSC: Second Floor
Ascending a flight of stairs or following the tune of the elevator’s three-note tone leads to spacious halls with another student lounge with outlets. Moreover, if both lounges are too crowded for your taste at the moment, the numerous benches along the balcony of the stairwell and hall will serve you well. The second floor of the Success Center also features a lactation room, all gender restroom, and elevated walkway to the adjacent Peterson Hall.
Resources and programs available on this floor include (organized alphabetically):
Beach Academic Resource Center (BARC) [SSSC Room 220; (562) 985-5352] - As an offshoot of UCUA, BARC is the advising center for students of the Beach Academy, Beach Transfer Transition Center, and GenExcel Programs.
Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) [SSSC Room 215 (Center) & 225 (Office); (562) 985-1394] - An extension of OURS and UROP, BUILD is another research program that endeavors to provide hands-on learning opportunities, training, and mentorship for students looking to go into doctorate and other research-based STEM careers. They actively collaborate with other fields and research departments around campus to better prepare students for work in their field.
Dream Success Center (DSC) [SSSC Room 290; (562) 985-5869] - The main community center focusing on equity and assistance for students affected by California immigration policy. They aim to empower the undocumented student population by providing financial aid, counseling, technology access, and workshops.
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) [SSSC Room 260; (562) 985-5637] - Open to high schoolers applying to a CSU, EOP offers one-on-one financial and advising assistance for first generation and ethnic minority students throughout their collegiate career. They also seek to build a supportive, inclusive community and provide technological access to those in need.
Mentoring, Advising, and Placement Support (MAPS) [SSSC Room 230; (562) 985-7895] - The supportive resource for Beach Academy and first year students who require assistance with core subjects like Mathematics, Written Communication, and American Language Institute courses. Their goal is to help students complete their education by providing helpful coaching and mentorship.
TRIO Student Support Services (TRIO) [SSSC Room 280; (562) 985-2185] - A federally-funded program focusing on providing needed resources to disadvantaged, low-income, and/or first generation students through their college career. To those accepted into the program, they provide technology, supplies, workshops, and mentorship.
University Writing Center (UWC) [SSSC Room 245; (562) 985-5162] - As the University center for all writing needs, the UWC offers tutoring workshops, GPE/GWAR information, and proofreading. Their services are available by self-scheduling appointment. They also offer an on-campus tutoring position.
Women’s Gender and Equity Center (WGEC) [SSSC Room 240; (562) 985-8576] - The community resource for gender studies, advocacy, and empowerment. They proudly offer a safe space available to all but focusing on the feminine population, and provide workshops, career symposiums, and referral resources.

SSSC: Basement Floor
Down any of the three indoor stairwells, or the elevator, is the lower level of the Success Center. Although this floor doesn’t feature campus-wide resources and will therefore likely be the least-used floor for many, it may be helpful to know that the Center’s basement features classrooms, studios, and labs. The hall is split down the middle between Anatomy and Forensics and the School of Art Film and Electronics department. For safety, it’s generally not recommended to loiter alone, so if with trusted company, the benches along the hallway can be a serene, mildly-secluded hang-out spot.

We hope this overview has proved helpful in informing you of all resources offered by the Shakarian Student Success Center. As one last piece of advice to leave you with, remember that the Success Center is always here to help, but, at the end of the day, you are at the center of your own success. Keep your head up, your eyes forward, and don’t hesitate to ask for whatever help you may need.